Eating to Relieve Your Skin?

Eating to Relieve Your Skin?

Everyone has a favourite holy grail skincare product that they swear by, but did you know that food also plays a big part in helping alleviate skin conditions? In fact, experts say that paying attention to nutrition is the best way to help keep your skin happy. Balance is the key word here. It is important to remember that your diet can consist of whatever you like. It is key to implement a variety of foods to make yourself and your body happy and maintaining a healthy relationship with food is always priority. If you are looking to relieve any skin conditions or problems, here are some foods that can help.


Foods to Relieve Inflammatory Skin Conditions

Common inflammatory skin conditions include eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, to name a few. Skin inflammation can lead the skin to feeling irritated, itchy, dry and sore. It is usually triggered by allergens, stress or sometimes hereditary. However, it is possible for certain foods to play a part in what is causing inflammation.

Dermatologist, Dr Suchitra Badvey, states that ‘foods with a high glycemic index’ such as sugar-processed carbohydrates can cause inflammation.

Furthermore, a common debate within the health sector is that dairy may play a big part in producing flare-ups. On one hand, people avoid dairy as most are rich in saturated fats. Therefore, these products are thought to cause inflammation.

However, studies by the National Institutes of Health state that saturated fats do not necessarily cause inflammation but may worsen inflammation that already exists.

On the other hand, new research shows that fermented dairy could help to treat inflammation. Not all dairy is the same and that the word ‘fat’ doesn’t automatically mean unhealthy. Products rich in probiotics and unsaturated fats, such as yogurt and kefir, have been studied the most. These products strengthen the gut and benefits the skin by resisting flare-ups. According to Harald Tietze, author of Kefir for Pleasure, Beauty and Well-Being, rubbing kefir on affected areas helps to prevent itching and redness.

Tietze also recommends leaving kefir on inflamed skin all night to heal and relieve the skin.


Other Foods Recommended to Relieve Inflammation

Foods such as salmon and mackerel are packed with omega-3 fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory.

Foods containing quercetin, which is a plant-based compound are also highly suggested. It is a powerful antioxidant and antihistamine. Food’s high in quercetin include:

  • Broccoli
  • Cherries
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Apples
  • Blueberries

Finding food to make your skin happy doesn’t equal cutting out what experts might consider bad. We recommend introducing more of the suggested foods above. Then, slowly and safely eliminating foods that may cause inflammation. This is to view what might irritate the skin. Also, see if it makes a difference to your skin health. Keep in mind that food will not affect everyone's skin in the same way. Also, always keep allergies in mind when experimenting with food.



Acne is commonly linked to excess levels of hormones in the body. This causes the skin to produce a larger amount of sebum, causing blockages of pores and breakouts.

It is said that eating low-glycemic foods may reduce the risk of developing acne. These include whole grains, raw fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy products.

Foods containing vitamins A and E also relieve the skin by reducing inflammation. This is because they are powerful antioxidants that work to boost the skins immune system.

In a study published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology, researchers found that low levels of vitamins A and E are linked to severe cases of acne.


Foods that May Help Alleviate Acne
  • Dark green and leafy vegetables
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Lemon
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Sweet potatoes

Tip: Simply jazzing up your everyday water to lemon water could help clear the skin and leave a nice, healthy glow.


Dry Skin

Whilst moisturisers help to hydrate the skin, including hydrating foods into your lifestyle can nourish the skin as well.

Coconut oil is great for moisturising the skin but eating the fruit is beneficial as well. The healthy fats and antibacterial properties not only moisturise the skin but can soothe acne flare-ups.

Avocados are also great for maintaining moisturise. They contain an abundance of vitamin E which keeps the skin moist. The blend of proteins, healthy fats and vitamins benefits the skin from the inside and out. The protein specifically supports the collagen in the skin whilst the fats keep the skin hydrated.

Drinks are also useful. Green tea is anti-inflammatory and nourishes the skin. It is also shown to help those with eczema.

Foods with high-water content such as cucumber, melon, celery and oranges contain vitamin C which not only treats dry skin but allows the skin to retain moisture better.


Hormonal Breakouts

Hormonal breakouts or ‘period skin’ is linked to a drop in hormone levels. It is completely normal for your skin to change during your cycle.

Let’s be real, your period is a time where you may possibly be craving everything some might view as unhealthy. Simply eating as you please is the way forward. However, if you are looking to relieve the skin of breakouts or try to prevent one, consider adding more of the following foods to your routine.

Food’s high in zinc promotes good skin health. They also improve PMS symptoms in general. Great food sources of zinc include seeds, nuts and red meat.

Cruciferous vegetables are a group of vegetables rich in fibre. Including vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower into your meals benefits the skin as they combat excess estrogen.

Finally, always remember to keep everything balanced! Eating foods that benefits the skin comes with safely experimenting and finding what works best for you and your skin.